Birds Watching

Birds Watching
If you are a Bird Enthusiast, you aren’t alone. Our lead Guide is an ardent Birder who happens to be a member of Several Ornithologist clubs in Africa. Kenya is worldwide known for its Birds Diversity which they inhabit the International Birds Area ( I. B. A). Kenya is home to more than 1080 species of Birds which are easy to spot and see as they occur in huge numbers although some of them are very endemic or slightly nocturnal. Regardless of ones ranking in Bird watching hierarchy, every traveller has the Bird that brings Wow moments due to their behavior or social organizations. Some Birds are “Residents” or paleantic migrants in some seasons of the year. We have introduced countless guest’s for Birding in East Africa by identification, but to hear our guests identify the Bird by sounds , we know that’s very special. Bird watching is a way of life at Amboseli plains safaris.. Sometimes the Wild goes very quiet and the only therapeutic thing is Birds watching..! We assure you with a little planning and competent safari guide, a single ‘ big day’ or century run in Kenya identification and listings could easily exceed 250 more species than most active Bird watchers spot in a whole year in British Isles or in the North-Eastern United States..! Most visitors to Africa will spot Representatives of several Birds families well known in Northern climes for they are found in all continents- Birds of prey-Ducks, swifts, swallows, king fishers, storks, Herons, Pelicans and many more.. Groups less familiar which are endemic or restricted to this region will include Ostrich, Hemerkop, whale_ headed stork, secretary Bird, jacanas, turacos, parrots, hornbills, oxpecker to name just a few are found on the Important Birds Area ( IBA). Different birds avoid competition by been adapted to particular way of life, habits and habitants and is always seen by the shape of the Bill and length of the neck. Some Birds show marked sexual dimorphism which means that, Males ( cocks) and females ( hens) look very different from each other though not always throughout the year.. We better warn you that, if you are trying to identify some birds by voice and songs my be difficult for they will ape and mimic other birds for that is there survival techniques..